Indianapolis Medical Society Foundation
The Foundation was organized and is operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes by means of scholarships to medical, nursing and other allied health professionals; programs to encourage healthier personal and professional lifestyles for medical and health professionals and their families; educational programs of personal and professional natures for medical and health professions; fundraising to accomplish the purposes of the Foundation; and the promotion of volunteerism among medical and health professionals.
Planned Giving & Sponsorships
The Indianapolis Medical Society planned giving and sponsorship opportunities support the Society and the Foundation in activities for the community, physicians, nurses, educators and others. You can now donate to the IMSF “In Honor Of” or In Memory Of” a special person or physician in your life. Send us your donation via our website or mailed check with your message and even a photo and we will print these in our monthly Bulletin. The funds raised through this endeavor will be used for a scholarship for our very own IMS Students. Don’t forget the IMSF in your estate planning. Please remember the Indianapolis Medical Society Foundation in your estate planning.
If you would like to contribute to the Foundation, please contact us: or 317-639-3406 or mail your check to The Indianapolis Medical Society Foundation | 125 W. Market Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

Indianapolis Medical Society Foundation
Jack H. Hall Scholarship
IMSF awarded two $1,000 Jack H. Hall Scholarships to Indianapolis Medical Society student members this year. Information regarding the recipients will be posted soon. Check back next year for more information about future scholarship opportunities.
Please contact ISMF Secretary, Morgan Perrill with any questions via email or at 317-639-3406.
IMSF Board of Directors
(Comprised of members from the Indianapolis Medical Society)

Paula A. Hall, MD
Foundation President
Marc E. Duerden, MD
Foundation Trustee